The Chanted Torah from beginning to end is now an audiobook
Chanted and produced by Jacob Rapport, he aims to preserve a core practice of the American Jewish diaspora. Not without a proper hechsher, he’s worked yad b’yad with the Cantors Assembly to ensure its accuracy, authenticity, and accessibility.

The realization that one can help make others' Jewish practices more accessible is a powerful one. By embarking on this recording journey, The Chanted Torah founder Jacob Rapport embraced a mission to bring that vision to life and make an impact on others.
Meticulously studied, rehearsed, and chanted from beginning to end, Jacob has taken every effort to ensure that this aural Torah is spoken with accurate pronunciations, emphasis, and trope.
His hope is for this to be useful for cantors and rabbis, teachers and b’nai mitzvahs, congregations, meditations, Jews and non-Jews.
With a desire to ensure this aural Torah be as ‘kosher’ as possible, Jacob partnered with the Cantors Assembly — the international association of Hazzanim (Cantors) for the Conservative Jewish movement — since no halakha (Jewish law) exists for this type of work as it does for a written Torah. Together, they discussed every exception and edge case, and proof-listened to every chanted verse.