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The Chanted Torah

The Chanted Torah

Your Torah audiobook chanted. 

Book #1 LIVE -
Bereishit · Genesis | In the beginning


With the goal of making Torah accessible, Jacob embarked on an incredible recording journey, The Chanted Torah, to bring all five books of Torah to life.  The Chanted Torah is a project brought to you by founder Jacob Rapport.


Meticulously studied, rehearsed, and chanted from beginning to end, Jacob has taken every effort to ensure that this aural Torah is spoken with accurate pronunciations, emphasis, and trope. There isn't an organization to give a proper hechsher - but that's where our collaboration with the Cantors Assembly comes in. Jacob Rapport worked yad b’yad with the Cantors Assembly to ensure its accuracy, authenticity, and accessibility. 

Cantors, rabbis, teachers and b’nai mitzvahs, congregations, meditations, Jews and non-Jews.



00:00 / 02:28
Prayer at the Western Wall

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